
Yearly programs at Bukit Batu Lebah Ecopark
Yearly programs at Bukit Batu Lebah Ecopark

β›° * Melaka Nature Fest * β›° come back !!!Β 

πŸ“’βš  Many interesting activities are provided such as; Picnic activity (camping) Hiking Explore nature Birdwatching Night jungle adventure (nocturnal walk) Learn and experience the tradition & uniqueness of the villageΒ 

Date: * March 13-15, 2020 * (3 Days 2 Nights) Venue: * Batu Batu Bee Forest Reserve, Malacca * Participation fee: πŸ”–RM120 / Public org 60RM60 / student You can sign up with the link to the entry form below:Β 

(ORGANIZATION / IPTA & S / SCHOOL) πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tue_keN1zyT98cwxg_qiAQu54qHq6CdlΒ 

(INDIVIDUAL) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ySarelrFFnKsa3niK9hFS6oq6ST96_mGs_dUdcl_tHc The first πŸ””20 will get 20% off !!!!Β 

😱 In addition, you will also get * FREE T-Shirt Melaka Nature Fest 3.0 * πŸ‘• πŸ“Œ Participation fees include eating & drinking throughout programs, tents, coaches and other interesting activities 🎊 Β Β 

⚠ PARTICIPATION IS VERY LIMITED !!! For further inquiries please contact Ik

Nik- www.wasap.my/60189189102Β 

πŸ“žMad- www.wasap.my/60178850191Β 

πŸ“žZiqa- www.wasap.my/60133101817Β 

πŸ“žNajihah- www.wasap.my/601121156853